equalities, diversity and inclusion
anam creative is an arts organisation commissioning process-driven and interdisciplinary collaborative projects for young musicians and artists based in Scotland. We aim to support 18–30-year-olds in this category. Our goal is to create a space where this group feels safe, heard, respected, and included. Everyone we work with and engage with will be treated equitably regardless of gender, socio-economic background, race, sex, sexual orientation, disability (visible or not visible), marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, religion, or belief.
We commit to embedding IDEA principles (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access) into our vision, mission, and practices, ensuring ongoing reflection and accountability.
fair work
anam creative is committed to creating a professional environment where Fair Work is at the core. We want to ensure that we are an organisation whose core team, commissioned artists and collaborators feel heard, valued, and have the opportunity to develop alongside our enterprise.
anam creative’s Fair Work statement has been written in accordance to the Scottish Government's Fair Work First Guidance.
anam creative aims to facilitate a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment where every individual feels valued and supported.
Whether your concern relates to discrimination, harassment, accessibility, or any other issue, we want to ensure you feel supported in bringing it forward. Every complaint will be taken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and resolved with transparency and care.
Our aim is not only to resolve individual concerns but also to uphold the values of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access in all our actions and decisions.