Equalities, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy


anam creative is an arts organisation commissioning process-driven and interdisciplinary collaborative projects for young musicians and artists based in Scotland. We aim to support 18–30-year-olds in this category. Our goal is to create a space where this group feels safe, heard, respected, and included. Everyone we work with and engage with will be treated equitably regardless of gender, socio-economic background, race, sex, sexual orientation, disability (visible or not visible), marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, religion, or belief.

We commit to embedding IDEA principles (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access) into our vision, mission, and practices, ensuring ongoing reflection and accountability.


  • All our meetings and exhibitions are held in accessible spaces, with measures to address access needs.

  • For exhibitions, we provide text-only descriptions of works and prioritise accessible communication methods.

  • Project budgets include clearly advertised access funds to reduce barriers for those impacted by accessibility challenges.

  • Accessibility audits are conducted regularly, informed by feedback and evolving needs.

New Additions:

  • Planning for Access: Access needs will be integrated at the outset of project planning, including digital and blended options where appropriate.

  • Continuous Review: We will engage stakeholders, including disabled participants, in co-developing solutions to accessibility challenges.


anam creative is dedicated to actively reaching out to and engaging with a diverse range of creatives through partnerships and collaborations. This includes targeted outreach to ensure representation from marginalised or underrepresented groups.

  • Unbiased selection processes are supported through staff and governance training/consultations where appropriate.

  • Anonymous EDI forms track our engagement success and inform strategic adjustments.

New Additions:

  • Positive Action in Recruitment: We will adopt strategies to increase applications from underrepresented groups.

  • Transparency: Diversity data, including workforce and board demographics, will be monitored and published annually to promote accountability.

Inclusion and Respect

Every member of the collective should feel respected, included, heard, and safe. Offensive or inflammatory behaviour, including sexist, racist, homophobic, or transphobic actions, will not be tolerated.

  • These expectations will be outlined in Letters of Agreement and reinforced at the start of each project.

  • Breaches of this policy will lead to immediate removal and replacement with shortlisted applicants.

New Additions:

  • Youth Voice: Participants/those-we-work-with will have opportunities to shape programming and provide feedback on their experiences.

  • Training and Advocacy: Ongoing IDEA training will be provided for all team members to ensure inclusive practices.

Dealing with Discrimination or Harassment

If any member of the collective feels they have experienced discrimination or harassment, they are encouraged to raise their concerns with the core team.

  • Investigations will be impartial, and alternative contacts (board members) will be available if needed.

  • Complaints against the organisation as a whole will be addressed with transparency and shared resolutions to prevent recurrence.

New Additions:

  • Clear Reporting Structures: Reporting options will be reviewed and updated to ensure accessibility and trust, including anonymous reporting mechanisms.

  • Support and Advocacy: Victims of harassment will be offered additional support.

Commitment to IDEA

This policy reflects our commitment to continuously improving our approach to inclusion, diversity, equity, and access:

  • Regular auditing of practices to benchmark progress.

  • Co-creation of policies and initiatives with young people and stakeholders.

  • Publicly communicating our IDEA goals, achievements, and areas for growth.

Next Steps:

  • Annual Review and External Validation: An external consultant will review this policy annually to align with best practices.

  • Partnership Development: Strengthen partnerships with organisations specialising in IDEA practices to enhance our reach and impact.

This policy was adopted on June 1, 2022, reviewed in June 2024 then in December 2024, and will undergo annual review thereafter.